South Australian Sri Lankan Doctors Association (SASDA)


Connecting Sri Lankan Medical Minds in South Australia: Fostering Support, Knowledge, and Community Outreach.

Who we are

The South Australian Sri Lankan Doctors Association (SASDA) Inaugurated in 2010, is a charitable organisation with no Political, religious or racial affiliation. Established with the aim of fostering collaboration, networking, and professional development among its members, SASDA plays a pivotal role in creating a supportive community within the medical field. Founded on the principles of camaraderie and excellence, SASDA brings together doctors of Sri Lankan origin who have chosen South Australia as their professional home. By providing a forum for dialogue and collaboration, SASDA not only strengthens professional ties but also contributes to the overall improvement of healthcare standards in South Australia.

 As an inclusive organisation, SASDA values the rich tapestry of experiences and expertise, that its members bring. Through regular events, seminars, and networking opportunities, the association seeks to facilitate the exchange of medical knowledge and best practices. SASDA also actively engages in community outreach initiatives, contributing to healthcare projects in Sri Lanka while leveraging its collective expertise to contribute to the well-being of both the local community and the broader Sri Lankan diaspora in South Australia.

The South Australian Sri Lankan Doctors Association is more than just a professional organisation; it is a vibrant community that celebrates the diverse talents and backgrounds of its members. By fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support, SASDA endeavours to empower its members to excel in their respective medical careers while preserving and promoting the cultural heritage they bring with them.

Our Objectives

As an organisation our aims are;

  • To Provide a platform for networking of medical professionals of Sri Lankan heritage in South Australia.
  • To provide support and guidance for junior doctors and International medical graduates (IMG) in their professional journey.
  • To provide high quality educational events for our membership and the broader community.
  • To organise Charity events to support worthy causes both locally in South Australia and in Sri Lanka.
  • To liaise with other medical organisations to improve knowledge and camaraderie among medical professionals.

Executive committee

Dr Lalith Gamage

Dr Lalith Gamage


Paediatric Emergency Physician & General Paediatrician
Priority Paediatrics and Women’s and Children’s Hospital

Dr Ravi Cooray

Dr Ravi Cooray

Vice President

Specialist Anaesthetist
Specialist Anaesthetic Services

Dr Daham De Silva

Dr Daham De Silva


General Paediatrician
Adelaide Paediatrics

Dr Maneesha Dedigama

Dr Maneesha Dedigama

Assistant Secretary

General Physician & Clinical Pharmacologist
Flinders Medical Centre and Colorectal Specialist Group

Dr Shantha Sooriyabandara “Soori”

Dr Shantha Sooriyabandara “Soori”


Consultant Radiologist
Radiology SA

Committee Members

Dr Sam Seimon
Dr Prabath Wagaarachchi
Dr Udul Hewage
Dr Manodhi Saranapala
Dr Charitha Perera
Dr Chaminda Basnayake

Dr Madhu Chandrathilake
Dr Enoka Ramanayake
Dr Siva Sivasuthan
Dr Kirushanthan Balendranathan
Dr Manique Abeyratne
Dr. Mahinda de silva

Event Coordinators

Mrs Chamalie Karunarathna
Mrs Ganga Gamage